I Survived My Stroke Blog

I Survived My Stroke Blog

life is good, I survived my stroke

start learning things about stroke from me and other suscribers now!

i would love for this blog to be a community of TBI survivors, their caretakers, family, and friends as a place where we can all share our positive and negative experiences about our TBIs to learn about things that do and do not work. Especially those that work! The more members I can attract here the more experiences we can share. Please reply to the posts or leave a contact with questions, criticisms, or helpful tips. Hopefully, this will become a great source of information for all who visit!  All are welcome! So leave a question, post a comment, or relate something about your stroke that might help someone.  All comments will be posted on the blog page unless noted otherwise.Remember, this blog will only be helpful if people get involved. So get the ball rolling. Let’s try to help some TBI survivors! 

ready to learn about your stroke? Then ask some questions!

Blog posts

Section Title

How to motivate a stroke survivor

How to Motivate a Stroke Survivor First, make sure the survivor is not depressed. Second, look the survivor in the eye and ask the question, “How much functionality do you want to recover?” Next try...

Depression Cure Naturally

Although depression responds well to medications, sometimes medications have nasty side effects. The first medication I took when going through my deep depression in 2010, Welbutrin, caused me to have...


    Whenever anyone asks me about my post-stroke journey, I always start with post-stroke depression (PSD).  This, in my opinion, is the worst disability anyone can have after a debilitating event...


Rehabilitation and Plateaus Rehabilitation: the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after, in our case, a stroke. After a stroke and the realization that...


A traumatic brain injury is defined by the Brain Injury Association of America as an alteration in brain function caused by an external force. A non-traumatic brain injury is caused by internal...


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